Everywhere you look is WHITE! Lots of ice came first as sleet and freezing rain. We had about an inch of that goodness:). Thankfully, we were able to get that off of the hoophouses and caterpillar tunnels before the next round of 5-6 inches of snow. The deepest snow I've seen in Tennessee in many years! So thankful we never lost power and we've been able to care for the beef cattle, chickens and of course Manxie the cat. All the produce growing stayed covered for an entire week and one day before getting a breather! Funny February! You started out like spring was on the way, but you are a tricky little month!
How about you all? Did you make it ok? How much snow did you get where you live? Are you ready for spring...or is this snow exactly what you wanted?

Take care and best wishes on the rest of your February!