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Potatoes and Peppers!

Julie Vaughn

What does July 2022 look like at Rocky Glade Farm? Two words: peppers and potatoes. Potatoes and Peppers if you prefer! This summer has been a merry-go round of too much rain, not enough rain, super hot weather earlier than usual followed by too much rain and not enough rain. Not complaining. This is the farming life! Here we are at almost AUGUST and folks (including us) are thinking back to school, thoughts of fall activities and maybe just maybe some cooler weather! We were actually thinking of fall back in May when we seeded our first brassicas into trays and just this past week we transplanted those babies out into the field for fall growth.

Here's hoping for good growth and heat tolerance as the weather forecast has some near 100s in it! Why do we plant brassicas so early in the season? Well, we like to be ready for fall because for the past 18 years we have offered a "winter CSA". Two options, you can choose Fall and go through Christmas 2022 with us, or FULL and go all the way to strawberries in May 2023. Both pickups are every OTHER week, giving you a chance to use up the produce which holds well since it is so very fresh from the farm! Your share will be a mix of fresh greens and root crops as well as "storage" crops like potatoes, sweet potatoes, garlic, onions and more.

Interested? Find out all about it by going here . If you would like to sign up you can do so from the webpage, or you can email us to snag a spot or ask any questions you might have.

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